Thursday, August 20, 2009

Summer Reflections

So the summer is drawing to a close for me. This morning at 6:45 am I watched my brother and parents drive off towards Moscow and the University of Idaho. I stood there on the driveway for a few seconds and was bombarded with emotion and thoughts. I started crying because no matter how much Philip and I fight, he is my little brother, I love him to death, would do anything for him and I am really going to miss him. I also realized that I am not going back to Moscow this school year. Last week I was very depressed by this fact, all I wanted was to go back for Palousefest, orientation with Tawyna, coffee runs with Ann, lunch in the commons, and of course class with friends and peers. This feeling of want hasn't completely gone away, but I am started to accept it. I am sad to leave Moscow life behind, but I am starting to come around to excitement for my internship.

My summer job ends tomorrow. Myself and my fellow co-counselor Erica have been preparing our kids all this week for this fact. There are some kids who are not accepting of it yet, and in their minds they are going to come with us (one kindergartner girl actually told me that she WAS going with me)The feeling that I get when I think about leaving Eagle Y's kids, is the same that one of my professors (Emilie) told me about last year...... at the end of each year teachers are sad their students must leave them but they know it's for the best. We have one last field trip to a cooking academy tomorrow, and then we all say our goodbyes. I am pretty sure I will cry, hugs will be given, and I won't be off work on time. (I also promise to get a picture of my bulletin board and post it here)

Meg came to visit me this last weekend, and it was AMAZING. We did a lot during our short weekend together. We went to the zoo, the trolley train, two museums, the Anne Frank Memorial, and lounged by the pool. Meg also cooked me my favorite dinner and taught me how to make it. I am going to attempt to cook it myself one day I promise. I wish I had pictures, but Meg took a ton so hopefully she will send them to me. I have been visited by quite a few friends this summer, and each visit has reminded me of how blessed I am to have the most amazing, wonderful, funny, loving, and supportive group of girlfriends.

This weekend I am being a nanny, and then Monday morning at 10 am my internship begins. I will definitely be blogging about all that :)