Saturday, June 13, 2009

Updates get your Updates here!

So A LOT has happened in the last few weeks:

1) My brother Philip graduated high school!!!!!!!
That's him in his cap and gown :) I am very proud of him and the young man he has become, he will be attending UI in the fall and is very excited to be a part of the business program. He is still causing problems because of his girlfriend but I try not to think of that. The great part is that now my Bronco loving father has two UI checks to write in a few months :) I come from a very small family and a lot of them made it up for Philip's big day. My aunt, uncle, cousin and his wife came from Cali and my relatives from Twin also made it for the ceremony. It was really fun to show my Cali family around Boise and just hang out on the deck and enjoy the nice weather and company.

2) I started my job as a YMCA day camp counselor!!! I just finished my first week and I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my summer. I created a Rainbow fish themed bulletion board that I am pretty proud of I really wanted to call April and ask her to come to Eagle and do it for me since she is a bulletin board goddess divine! The campers are an eclectic mix of personalities, and everyday is different.

3) My puppy Sophie is very big, and it has been very interesting getting to know her. I missed out on the first two months and was eager to make up for lost time. Sophie is a very energetic, a bit ditzy, and very daring poodle. She has kept me and my family on our toes. Sophie has been sleeping with me, and I can't describe the feeling of waking up with a dog snuggled up next to me, I was so upset by the loss of our last dog Conner that I didn't think I would ever feel this way again and I do. Sophie is a much needed member of my family, and i look forward to watching her grow this year as I stay home in Boise and do my student teaching.

4) Speaking of student teaching I met with my principal (who is a fellow vandal) and mentor teacher. I had worked with my mentor teacher in high school and was looking forward to being in her classroom. However just yesterday I received the news that my mentor teacher has been changed. I was surprised and at first felt a little down, but I emailed my old mentor teacher thanking her as well as my new mentor to thank her and introduce myself. So as for right now I'm not really sure how the fall is going to go, but I am still excited just to be an intern! Also I had to take another interview with the school district, and if what happened in January happens again (the whole loosing my answers thing) I am seriously just going to change my major!......... jk ;) Also my computer battery is acting up and what can I say technology just hates me and wants to ruin my life!

5) I turned 21!!!!! It really wasn't that exciting I promise because I had to work that night and early the next morning; but it feels nice to be able to have a margarita with my chicken enchilada :) Dawn and my friend Eleni took me out to lunch at Applebees and we had lunch and blue coconut margaritas, it was so nice to catch up with those girls :) Also this past week Ruth took me out for a movie and smoothie to celebrate my birthday. I went to the demon's liar aka the DMV and waited 20 minutes to get my license changed, then i had to take my car to the shop because the engine was acting up.... total bill just a little over a grand so that was fun. Overall I am settling into life in Boise very well. I miss Moscow and all my friends and it will be very difficult come August to watch Philip go to school when I have to stay behind. However I did get to see my friend Ann and her mom when they came to town and that was beyond awesome.


  1. Thanks for all the updates! Sounds like you've been keeping super busy!

    Take a pic of your bulletin board! I'd love to see it! I always found getting a topic for the boards difficult, but once I had an idea...I ran with it!

    Take care! And don't take so long between posts! I miss you!

  2. I second April on the picture. I was to see this bulletin board.

    I'm glad your job is going well. Kids can be so much fun (although mine are diving me nuts right now).

    Don't change majors. You've made it this far.

    I miss you so much. Meg is coming to visit me on Monday, wish you were here.

    Happy Birthday!
